Category Roma

my beloved Rome

Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Roma

Santa Maria sopra Minerva is considered to be the only ghotic church in Rome. The church’s name derives from the fact that the first Christian church structure on the site was built directly over (Latin: supra) the ruins or foundations…

Palazzo Zuccari

Since I first knew the story of the Cafè de l’Enfer in Paris I coudn’t stop thinking about this Palace that amazes me everytime a take a stroll in the city centre of Rome. This is the entry of Palazzo…

Santa Sabina and Santa Maria in Cosmedin

A look on two early christian churches in Rome. You can easily visit them during an afternoon, don’t missing to take a peek inside the keyhole… Santa Sabina The Basilica of Saint Sabina at the Aventine is one of the…

San Pietro, Roma

The centre of catholic religion: Saint Peter in Rome, the biggest church of the world. As my reserch on Godliness is becoming more elaborate, I couldn’t wait any longer to visit the place considered as one of holiest sites in the…

The Alchemical Door

Today, if you visit Piazza Vittorio in Rome, you can see throught the railing, an exceptional building: what remains of the unique testimony of alchemical crafting in 17th century: the Alchemical door. It’s a marble door with jewish, latin and egyptian incriptions,…

Galleria Sciarra

One day I was walking near the Trevi Fountain and, completly unaware, I entered in this gallery. Very few times I’ve been surprised as the first time I saw Galleria Sciarra. Totally unexpected, because hided from outside, it’s one of the lesser known…