Category Arte

artists from late XIX and early XX century

Historia Naturae

Karl Marx by Jan Švankmajer Švankmajer-Rudolf II-Arcimboldo Jan Švankmajer is well known for his animated short works. He did eight short works and each one deserves its own analysis and studio because of the plenty of references they have. I…

Steven Arnold

Virgin of Paste “I want images to be complicated, not smart, designy little things. I’m bringing back density – pieces that take time to look at.” Steven Arnold There aren’t much informations about Steven Arnold (1943–1994) on the web. He caught…

Pain is Sensuality

This is my little tribute to Ken Russel, who died about two weeks ago, the 27th of November. Each of his film is worth to be watched more than once, but I probably choose The Devils for the 17th century setting…

The Doll

The Mechanical Doll, Nino Rota Hans Bellmer dolls, 1930 ca. Ernst Lubitsch’s, Die Puppe (1919) What ever happened to Baby Jane?  (1962) Jan Švankmajer, Jabberwocky (1971) Federico Fellini, Casanova (1976) Joseph Cornell, Untitled (Bébé Marie) early 1940’s Mechanical Dolls, Tim Walker…

Pierre et Gilles

La Madone au coeur blessé, 1991 «On aime idéaliser, mais on parle aussi de la mort, du mystère et de l’étrangeté de la vie. Il y a autant de douceur que de la violence dans nos images…» Pierre et Gilles….


Le pareti rosse del Nautilus sono assordanti.  Gli oggetti, silenziosi, sono accostati uno vicino all’altro senza lasciare alcuno spazio vuoto. Non è difficile dopo un po’ notare un ordine metodico in questa stanza delle meraviglie. L’occhio si perde nei singoli…