Search Results for: paris

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Franco Maria Ricci, lover of ephemera

Non si può avere solo ammirazione per Franco Maria Ricci, ma totale venerazione. Editore, grafico, bibliofilo e collezionista, sarebbe più corretto definirlo amante delle cose effimere. La rosa rossa, che sempre porta al bavero della sua giacca, ne è il simbolo. Si…

September fragments

I’m back to everyday life, but before starting with September fragments I want to give you some news. I’ve been nominated by Altervista among the best fashion blogs in 2012, vote me if you want here! I also created a…

Seville’s Cathedral Treasure

Here are a few pictures of the incredible treasure inside Seville’s Cathedral, with whom only the Vatican’s treasure can stand the comparison with. follow facebook/twitter/bloglovin

Yves Saint Laurent’s home

“Yves preferred to travel in his imagination; real places often disappointed him.” Pierre Bergé Stories like the following really get me upset. I still don’t understand why, treasures like these, end up to be auctioned and then dispersed. This fact…

Palazzo Zuccari

Since I first knew the story of the Cafè de l’Enfer in Paris I coudn’t stop thinking about this Palace that amazes me everytime a take a stroll in the city centre of Rome. This is the entry of Palazzo…