Category Musei

a tour inside the most beautiful museums from Europe and Italy

Accorsi-Ometto house museum, Turin

Sala Piffetti Le case museo sono musei bizzarri che per nostra fortuna si sono conservate sino ad oggi, mantenendo intatto l’arredo originario del loro proprietario. A Torino esiste una delle case museo più belle d’Italia. Situata in via Po e…

Hospital de la Caridad, Seville

L’ Hospital de la Caridad può essere considerato la concretizzazione architettonica della vita di Miguel Mañara (1627-1679). Dal chiostro bianco e puro, al giardino segreto in fondo, alla piccola chiesa nera che trabocca di oro e decorazioni di morte, tutto il…

Il Vittoriale

“Io ho quel che ho donato” G. D’Annunzio Year is just ended and a sense of nostalgia is pervading my days. During the lazy time between Christmas and New Year’s Eve I read “Infinite Variety”, about Marchesa Luisa Casati which…

La Specola, Firenze

I took these pictures on March, during my trip to Florence. I don’t know why I waited so long to post them, anyway, La Specola is the first wunderkammer-museum I saw, that’s way the pictures are so faltering. At first…

Museo Palazzo Poggi

I know that this limbed woman could impress some of you, but her peacefulness is quite mesmerizing. She is what impressed me the most in the Palazzo Poggi Museum (Bologna), even if I had already saw another girl like this…

Ulisse Adrovandi

During my short trip to Bologna in April, I visited Palazzo Poggi, a wonderful museum which hosts what remains of the collection of Ulisse Aldrovandi, one of the first natural philosopher and scientist. In the transitional phase from a culture…