Category Ville & Giardini

ode to the italian garden

Villa San Michele, Capri

Villa San Michele, the Bedroom I already talk about Marchesa Luisa Casati plenty and passionately and now I can confess that my attraction for Capri started when I knew that she lived there for some years during the 20’s. I came to…

Villa Rufolo, Ravello

Villa Rufolo is, together with Villa Cimbrone, the other wonderful Villa located in Ravello. Both the villas were laying in decay and poor condition until two english men took them back to their splendour during the 19th century. The Villa…

Villa Cimbrone, Ravello

Ravello seems to be the place where romantic and intellectual english men found the peace long yearned and sought after the wanderings of the Grand Tour. Villa Cimbrone, along with the other Villa Rufolo, it’s one of these places. The Villa belonged…

The Sacred Grove of Bomarzo

“Tu ch’entri qua pon mente parte a parte et dimmi poi se tante meraviglie sien fatte per inganno o pur per arte” My visit to Bomarzo was revealing. A deceitful place where everything seems anything else and the Illusion makes…

Villa Torlonia

Ma l’Amore no, Eva Nova Villa Torlonia is a Noble House located in Rome which became famous for being Mussolini’s residence during Fascism. Actually, Mussolini’s period is only the last one of the many changes the Villa had gone through….

Casina delle Civette in Villa Torlonia

Jóhann Jóhannsson, The Rocket Builder I took these pictures on April, during the exhibition “The art of cast iron in the XIX and XX centuries” open until 25th September. This exhibition is the first of its kind in Europe and documents the use…