Search Results for: vittoriale

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Manuel Orazi, an occultist illustrator

l’art nouveau; 22 rue de Provence. rooster, pentagram, star of David, seal with Aztec face/palm print Origini poco chiare Su Manuel Orazi non è dato sapere molto. Nacque in Italia, dove non lavorò mai, precisamente a Roma nel 1860, ma…

Why is a Wunderkammer kitsch?

Treasure Chest, Georg Hainz 1666 For my blog is all about wunderkammer, I though It was the time to talk about what a wunderkammer is and the connection I see between cabinets of curiosities and kitsch. A wunderkammer is basically a collection…

Palazzo Zuccari

Since I first knew the story of the Cafè de l’Enfer in Paris I coudn’t stop thinking about this Palace that amazes me everytime a take a stroll in the city centre of Rome. This is the entry of Palazzo…

Mananà Pignatelli

Portrait of Mananà Pignatelli by talented illustrator and friend Vanna Vinci I’ve found really very few informations about Anna Maria dei principi d’Aragona Pignatelli di Terranova di Cortes, also known as Mananà (1894-1960). Just only one picture of her reveals…

A most paradisiac sight

Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, John Singer Sargent, 1885-1886 This painting by J. S. Sargent express the mood I’m into for this upcoming month. This painting is so delicate and dreamful, a magical moment, secret and hidden. “I am trying to paint…